Colocasia esculenta var. 'Black Magic'

Colocasia esculenta var. 'Black Magic' is an elephant ear plant that is very common in the water garden industry. Black Magic Taro is used as a tropical marginal plant in the water garden hobby. It has attractive purplish-black leaves and is planted at the edge of a water garden in shallow water. As the common name indicates, Colocasia esculenta var. 'Black Magic' has leaves shaped like an elephant ear. These large purplish-black leaves makes Black Magic Taro a "must have" plant for every water garden.

Common Name:      Black Magic Taro

Use: Tropical Marginal

Flower Color: White

Leaf Color: Purplish black

Height: 36-48”

Hardiness Zone: 9-11

Native To: Asia

Available As: 2” and 4” pots